apneatic_melody wrote in kimura_a_day Jul 18, 2013 23:41
with: okamura takashi, ♥: cutest cutie to ever cute, tv: mecha ike, gif, year: 1997
apneatic_melody wrote in kimura_a_day May 24, 2013 23:19
♥: cutest cutie to ever cute, tv: fns aki no saiten special, ♥: hair porn, gif, year: 1997
apneatic_melody wrote in kimura_a_day May 04, 2013 03:02
live: su, ♥: hair porn, gif, ♥: say no to shirts, year: 1997
hereticpop wrote in kimura_a_day Apr 07, 2013 02:10
mag: popolo, year: 2001, year: 2007, year: 1996, live: qams, year: 2005, mag: wink up, mag: ginza, mag: anan, mag: boao, year: 2006, year: 1995, ♥: herbal essences got nothing on this, year: 2004, ♥: hair porn, mag: myojo, source: ?, picspam, year: 2008, year: 2009, year: 1997, mag: men's non-no
scottishlass wrote in kimura_a_day Feb 21, 2013 00:36
source: ?, ♥: say no to shirts, year: 1997
apneatic_melody wrote in kimura_a_day Jan 18, 2013 22:41
mag: hot dog press, ♥: face acrobatics, ♥: omg doggies, year: 1997
apneatic_melody wrote in kimura_a_day Jan 11, 2013 22:34
drama: gift, ♥: hair porn, ♥: everything porn, ♥: say no to shirts, year: 1997
hereticpop wrote in kimura_a_day Jul 23, 2012 02:20
tv: smapxsmap, gif, year: 1997
25lalalee36 wrote in kimura_a_day Jun 12, 2012 22:52
mag: mr, year: 1997
hereticpop wrote in kimura_a_day Apr 16, 2012 22:14
tv: smapxsmap, with: goro, gif, year: 1997